Let's find the light

It is my first post in the #ONL172, and also the first in my life. As probably many of us, I did not expect to be obliged to create my own blog - I thought that fb (not a very active user), gmail, MS Office is all that I could take from the computer and web ;)
However life has its own plans. I became involved in the FOCUS project (https://www.ku.lt/focus/) - that aims at creating e-learning courses from two disciplines (marine biotechnology and coastal tourism). And the gates have opened...
In my country, education and the attitude of people involved in the process of education, has started to change just lately - now the digital tools are becoming more and more popular (however still not with all teachers - as it is said You can't teach an old dog new tricks). First cell phone - when I was 18; first computer in my home - when I was 20. Now? Now children in the primary school learn to code (good!), and they have the cellphones (only safety reasons of course ;) ) available almost all the time. Finding a golden mean is a challenge!
What I am trying to say is that years of very traditional education can kill the spirit of openness.  Asking questions, active participation in video conferences (do I look good?hmmmm...), presenting your own opinion - it is not what we were tought at school (discussion with the teachers was forbidden). For sure times have changed - for worse or for better, you alone have to decide.
I personally am very curious what the future will bring. Hopefully #ONL172 will teach me again how to be a 7-year old - open and full of willingness (or maybe at least not afraid to ask questions ;) ).

The fever has decided for me - no more words today.
Good night, let's find the light


  1. The secret is keeping your curiosity and being prepared to try, fail and try again. There are no right answers but in the end you'll find a path that suits you.

  2. Nice post Kasia ! (I have to mobilize myself ;) )To provoke some discussion...my observations from past week - You know i had open lectures. One for high school students, other for University of the Third Age. Guess who asked more questions....Maybe kind of openness come with our age, sum of exeperiences, knowledge etc. ?

  3. thank you, Kasia, for your post. it inspired me to create my own. many coinsidency. I read your blog and feel that it is suites for me too. and probably to most of us of +- our age. but your are lucky - I bought my first selphone and computer more or less at 28 years old...


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