
Saying goodbye to ONL172

                   Unfortunately the experience of ONL172 course has come to the end, but new road opens before us. With new experiences we can plan next moves and begin the next year. Let’s hope we can apply what we have learned in our FOCUS courses. If anyone would be interested how we managed to do this – you can always track or/and SBFOCUS_project on Twitter.   For sure ONL172 is a course worth recommending to anyone who wants to see how the course should be organized, what elements should be covered, what we should think of in general before preparing our courses or upgrading our teachers skills. The course has opened some gates for me indisputably, and hopefully for others too :) I have even raised my hand when our facilitator asked if any of us wants to be a co-facilitator during the next course edition! ONL172 was an intensive, interesting, unique and valuable experience. Even ...

Thoughts on blended learning - Topic 4

According to a film “Will it blend? – iPad” (and other devices being blended) (1) anything can be blended if we: try very hard, have a good background (knowledge and stuff), have a positive attitude and of course if we make use of appropriate technology (in the case of the film – blender 😊 ). However making a good e-learning course is not that easy. There are some ground rules to be followed and we have to think through all the steps very carefully. ADDIE model (2) divides the e-learning course cycle into 5 stages: analysis, design, development, implementation, evaluation. In my opinion, a crucial stage of the course cycle is planning (analysis) – if we don’t analyse everything properly prior to designing the course, our structure will not stick together, and the possibility of total failure seems very much real. Just like the building without solid foundation – it will split into pieces during first earthquake. During planning stage “identification and prioritisation of the teachi...

Topic three (3) wait for me!

Collaboration, is it really that hard? Sometimes it is hard to change our habits, but anyway sometimes it is really worth trying. That is the thing with collaboration. Almost no one knows what it is about, or people have a foggy vision of collaboration. They rather think of cooperation (when saying “of course we collaborate” in noble words), divide the tasks among people and then stick the pieces into one coherent/incoherent whole. And collaboration is more than that, it is “…an essential part of how we need to operate to be successful in today’s world” (1). The world evolves, so should we. From one of the articles - “when cooperating, people perform together (co-operate) while working on selfish yet common goals” (2), while during collaboration people should forget about their own goals and work on the single shared goal and should share the same values . And here each voice matters, meaning that when someone would leave the group, the balance would change. The group wou...

Finally ... ;)

Openness is a subject that evokes different feelings – like a closed can without the label, you don't know what is inside and what to expect and when you decide to open it, everything could happen. And in addition the edges could be sharp. But what could fall out of the OPENNESS can? Collaboration, open education, open educational resources, open textbooks, creative commons, sharing, globalization, unlimited access, e-learning, knowledge and many many others. The question is how we want to manage the cans content? For sure knowledge and information should be dealt with responsibility. E-learning courses, all MOOCs should be made available to everyone free of charge? It depends – making courses can be a way to earn money for living, then why resign getting paid for it (some governmental or EU funds could be thought of)? Collaboration? But to what extent? And is it possible to cross all the barriers (also those existing only in your head)? How hard it is to become open? For s...
The 1 Topic has just finished, presentation was posted on the ONL172 community and our group site (PBL13). And what now? Yes, indeed, it is time for reflection. Time to think what I have learned, how I regard ONL in general, who am I in the digital world, how far I want to go in gaining digital knowledge and abilities. It turned out that I am not that bad using digital tools and computers in the broad meaning. Previously when something did not work properly in the area of foggy computer world I always called someone to ask for help – now I at least try to solve the problem on my own. For me, it is the first small success. It also turned out that looking around in the digital world and searching for something that would suit my needs gives me joy. Now, I might be becoming a well-settled visitor (good introduction to visitor vs resident can be found here ), long way to become a resident. And even I am trying to use the virtual sheet of paper to write my notes, instead of elaborates ...

Let's find the light

It is my first post in the #ONL172, and also the first in my life. As probably many of us, I did not expect to be obliged to create my own blog - I thought that fb (not a very active user), gmail, MS Office is all that I could take from the computer and web ;) However life has its own plans. I became involved in the FOCUS project ( - that aims at creating e-learning courses from two disciplines (marine biotechnology and coastal tourism). And the gates have opened... In my country, education and the attitude of people involved in the process of education, has started to change just lately - now the digital tools are becoming more and more popular (however still not with all teachers - as it is said You can't teach an old dog new tricks). First cell phone - when I was 18; first computer in my home - when I was 20. Now? Now children in the primary school learn to code (good!), and they have the cellphones (only safety reasons of course ;) ) available almo...